FACT: Lottery numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 has yet to be drawn.
FACT: Millions of people play the lottery every week
FACT: About 10,000 players play the lottery numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 in every draw according to this report by The Guardian
FACT: About 10,000 players will share the jackpot prize if 1 2 3 4 5 6 will ever appear in a draw.
Now, are you one of the 10,000 people who play 1 2 3 4 5 6 in the lottery?
Let’s look into the two sides of why it’s okay to play the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 in the lottery, and why it’s not.
Why You Should Play Lottery Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6
The odds of drawing a certain combination is similar to the next one. In a 6/49 game, there are 13, 983, 816 – approximately 14 million – possible combinations and 1 2 3 4 5 6 is just another one of them. This is why 10,000 people believe that sooner or later, the combination will be drawn.
The human mind tends to see patterns in everything we see. Take the combination 2 7 18 26 32 41 as an example. Right now, you’re likely thinking that it is less likely to draw 1 2 3 4 5 6 in a lottery game.
We embrace random looking combinations more than consecutive ones.
But in truth, the numbers 2 7 18 26 32 41 might have never been drawn either or will never be drawn as well.
Of course, knowing that the lottery numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 has the exact same chances of being drawn as any other combination doesn’t guarantee it will be either – any time soon. Some players question the lottery’s randomness due to combinations drawn more than once. Plus, some numbers appear in draws more than others, while some appear in draws less.
Although the notice of these hot and cold numbers or similarly appearing combinations only come to life as a result of statistical analysis of lottery draws. Again, people have taken notice of these repetitions because we all desperately want to win. So we look for hidden patterns or hints that can lead us to figuring out what the next winning combination might be.
Why You Shouldn’t
The closest consecutive winning numbers ever drawn were 1 2 3 4 13 48. This happened on July 8 1992 on the Canadian Lotto 6/49.
The topic on whether or not the combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 in the lottery will ever turn up can turn into a fiery debate. However, there is one good reason why you shouldn’t use these numbers.
10,000 people play these numbers in every draw. That may seem like a small number compared to the millions who don’t. But imagine if these numbers do come up. Take for example the highest US MegaMillions jackpot to date of US$ 1.602 billion. If the lottery numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 turned up in this draw, 10,000 players will share the jackpot.
That’s 1602000000 / 10000 = 160200.
10,000 players would’ve gone home with only US$ 160200. Of course, it’s better than winning nothing, but what if the winnings were smaller, say US$ 1 million?
10,000 people would take home US$ 100 each.
See, the best thing about the lottery are the huge payouts. Going for popular sets of combinations can lessen your chances of going home with one. As far as playing smart goes, Dr Cox, – an expert in algorithms – said it best: ‘There is no scientific way of predicting the winning numbers in advance but choosing unpopular sets of numbers increases one’s return in the long term’.
How to Play Wisely
Simply put, play smart if you’re playing to take home a huge pot of money. Don’t count on the lottery to draw 1 2 3 4 5 6. Rethink your strategies.
But, to each his own, right?
Read more about what numbers you shouldn’t play here. It’s time to figure out how to play the lottery wisely. Luckily for you, our members-only area provides live lottery statistics.
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